I Refuse

Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:



Some-times I, I just wan-na close my eyes And act like ev-'ry one's al-right. When I know they're not. This world needs God, but it's eas-i-er to stand and watch. I could say a prayer and just move on like noth-in's wrong. But I re-fuse. 'Cause I don't wan-na live like I don't care, I don't wan-na say an-oth-er emp-ty prayer ___. Oh, I ___ re-fuse to sit a-round and wait for some-one else_ to do what God has called me to do my-self. Oh, I __ could choose not to move, but I re-fuse. I can hear the least of these cry-in' out so des-prate-ly, and I know we are the hands and feet of You, O God. So, if You say move, it's time for me to fol-low through and do what i was made to do __ __, and show them who you are. 'Cause but I re-fuse to stand and watch the wea-ry and lost cry out for help. I re-fuse to turn my back, to try and act like all is well. I re-fuse to stay un-changed, to wait an-oth-er day to die to my-self. I re-fuse to make one more ex-cuse. 'Cause I don't wan-na live like I don't care, I don't wan-na say an-oth-er emp-ty prayer . Oh, I re-fuse to sit a-round and wait for some-one else to do what God has called me to do my-self. Oh, I could choose not to move, but I re-fuse. I re-fuse. I re-fuse, yeah.